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Nortura: switching from plastic to corrugated

Switching from plastic crates to corrugated packaging has a considerable impact on the logistical chain. However, the adjustment is in reality a game changer for producers, offering both logistical and environmental benefits.

When VPK Nordic first approached Nortura - one of the largest suppliers of processed meat in Norway - to show how changing from plastic crate packaging to corrugated boxes could result in significant savings in logistics, the required changes and investments were too extensive to implement. However, 2 major retailers started constructing new, automated warehouses shortly after. The plastic crates would not work well in these new warehouses, so there was all the more reason for Nortura to change their packaging. With our proposal from previous years in mind, Nortura asked us to work with them to make the change to corrugated boxes.


It has been a big project, with approximately 200 articles that have gone from plastic to corrugated. The new boxes include shelf-ready packaging, boxes made for refrigerated display counters and transport boxes. In addition, new packing lines were installed with help from PackTech, VPK Nordic's division for packaging machinery.
"In the process, Nortura has been able to realise the logistics savings that we initially proposed to them. Fewer truckloads are now necessary to distribute the goods and the need for return transport and washing of crates is eliminated. And the logistics savings are closely correlated to the environmental benefits,"says Einar Foss, Sales Manager. Nortura saw an increase of 44% in packs per transport since the switch. 

Looking to make the switch?

Would you like more information about switching to cardboard boxes and the benefits that apply to you? Get in touch today! Our experts are happy to help you create your sustainable packaging concept.

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