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Creating a second life for packaging

Sustainability and attractive design come together perfectly

Second life packaging
Splend-it ID! is a provider of gift packages for various occasions. One of these important occasions is the annual Saint Nicholas celebration. In the run-up to this period an online promotion starts where a complete gift package can be ordered at a competitive price. Previously, the entire package containing toys and treats was offered in a plastic box. To provide a sustainable alternative, Splend-it ID! approached VPK.

Sustainable packaging alternative

With this task in mind, our packaging specialists went to work. The result goes further than just offering a sustainable solution. Once all of the items have been unpacked, the box can easily be crafted into a cardboard theatre. With this creative concept we managed to create added value for our customer and even more play-time for our young end users.

Cost-efficient added value

We also considered the costs involved. Consequently, the design was developed completely in monochrome, which makes it very cost efficient. Perhaps most important, the use of cardboard and the creative expertise of our packaging experts provide clear added value for our client and end users alike. 

We can  help you with any packaging need

Are you also looking for creative packaging insights? We would be happy to talk with you on how to optimise your product. 

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