It has been exactly two years since VPK and the other members of the Alliance were FFP certified. A lot has changed in that time. More than a year on from the start of the pandemic, there has been a seismic shift in e-commerce packaging that no-one could have predicted. Here, we will look at the key trends and impacts that were released at the last E-pack Europe event.
At the E-pack Europe event in December, Google’s Miguel M. Avalos (Head of Commerce Product Marketing & Digital Acceleration Program), discussed some of the major search trends of the last year:
At the E-pack Europe event, moderator Jim Chrzan (VP Content and Brand Strategy at PMMI Media Group) made some interesting observations in his opening remarks:
We also need to consider that the term ‘e-commerce packaging’ has different meaning for the three profiles in the value chain:
The trigger is to align interest on primary, secondary, and tertiary packaging so that brands are not affected and customers are not disappointed.
As well as the logistics functionalities (containing, preserving and protecting) and information vehicle (branding, usage and promotion), box design should integrate new “must-have” attributes:
All around Europe, studies are aligned. As an example, a recent French study revealed:
These figures can be extrapolated to any European country.
The success factors for a smooth, homogenous and omnichannel experience have to be identified and implemented according to the needs of all the various stakeholders. There are many factors to consider when it comes to ecommerce packaging. Optimising packaging design for brand owners, e-retailers and end consumers is now more important than ever. They can be sum-up in 6 criteria:
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